The strong and distinctive aroma of spices makes every moment with them like a new exploration into a world I've never been to, inspiring me to create music.

Mikolaj Kowalska

Musician, Poland

I really admire the combination of various spices in a cigarette which is very unique and perfect at the same time. This makes every meet-up with my colleagues fun and enjoyable.

Katharina Bartholdi

Model, Austria

I have never enjoyed such a bold and unique blend of tobacco and cloves. Starting the day with this and a cup of coffee is heaven on earth for me.

Dorina Almassy

Art Curator, Hungary

My job requires me to continue to explore fresh new creative ideas every day, and this cigarette has become my inspirational friend.

Femke de Ruiter

Creative Director, Netherlands

Creating a fashion piece for me is not a simple thing, especially when boredom strikes. However, this cigarette manages to bring back my creativity thanks to its inspiring spicy aroma.

Ioana Eminescu

Fashion Designer, Romania